Health and wellness of our society is a shared responsibility and a little charitable act can make a big difference. On the 22nd of May, Respack's team visited two special care centres, the Handicap Children's Welfare Home 怡保幸运之家残障儿童福利中心 & 慈爱迟钝残障训练中心 Yayasan Latihan Insan Istimewa at Ipoh and distributed diapers to help alleviate their diapers need. The donation is not only a part of our CSR programme but also an effort to support needy homes, as we understand that an adequate supply of diapers is vital in ensuring the quality of life of people with special needs & elderly.
The homes chosen are all non-profit organisations and publicly funded/sponsored. In the ongoing nationwide campaign, any amount given will be double-upped by Respack and the total donation will be channelled to the chosen homes in the form of diapers. On average, each person will use 3 pieces of diapers per day, which is equivalent to RM6/day. To date, we have collected nearly RM21,586 of donations, which Respack has top-up to RM43,172. A special thanks to Solarvest (Solarvest Holdings Berhad) & Andrew Hew for their generosity in sponsoring and participating in this effort! Thank you once again to all our business associates and stay tuned for more updates!
#respackcares #respackgroupofcompanies #activelifestyle #Activasia

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