Respack is delighted to be able to support 感恩之家非营利老人院 P.Syukur Penyayang Pulau Pinang, Peace & Harmony Home 菩提馨园 and Happy Retirement Home in our ongoing campaign to provide adult diapers to needy homes. The homes chosen are all non-profit organisations and publicly funded/sponsored. In the ongoing nationwide campaign, any amount given will be double-upped by Respack and the total donation will be channelled to the chosen homes in the form of adult diapers. In average, each elderly will use 3 pieces of adult diapers per day, which is equivalent to RM6/day. To date, we have collected nearly RM20,000 of donations, which Respack has top-up to RM40,000. A special thanks to Core Rising Sdn Bhd, Unique International Logistic (M) S/B and Poly Edge Malaysia for their generosity in sponsoring and participating in this effort! Thank you once again to all our business associates and stay tuned for more updates!华文#respackcares #respackgroupofcompanies #activelifestyle #Activasia
Respack is delighted to be able to support 感恩之家非营利老人院 P.Syukur Penyayang Pulau Pinang, Peace & Harmony Home 菩提馨园 and Happy Retirement Home in our ongoing campaign to provide adult diapers to needy homes.
The homes chosen are all non-profit organisations and publicly funded/sponsored. In the ongoing nationwide campaign, any amount given will be double-upped by Respack and the total donation will be channelled to the chosen homes in the form of adult diapers. In average, each elderly will use 3 pieces of adult diapers per day, which is equivalent to RM6/day. To date, we have collected nearly RM20,000 of donations, which Respack has top-up to RM40,000.
A special thanks to Core Rising Sdn Bhd, Unique International Logistic (M) S/B and Poly Edge Malaysia for their generosity in sponsoring and participating in this effort! Thank you once again to all our business associates and stay tuned for more updates!
#respackcares #respackgroupofcompanies #activelifestyle #Activasia

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