Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with company environmental policy and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to the continual improvement of our environmental programs, to preserve natural resources and comply to Environmental Management System

We are committed to:

  1. The conservation of natural resources through careful planning and efficient use of water, energy and raw materials
  2. The prevention of pollution that can cause harm to air, water and land
  3. The minimization of waste through source reduction, reuse and recycling
  4. The handling and disposal of waste through safe and sustainable methods
  5. Communicating our environmental commitment to our employees, suppliers and customers
  6. Establishing environmental objectives and targets and regularly review the performance

The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


 Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with International Labour Organization and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to the continual improvement of our social programs, to provide a conducive working environment that is characterized by equality and mutual respect

We are committed to:

  1. Not to employ children that falls below the legal age of employment
  2. The prevention of any forms of exploitation of children
  3. Expects our business partners, customers and suppliers to have and uphold similar standards and abide by all laws governing child labour.
  4. Should violation of these principles become known to Respack Medicare and are not remediated, we will take serious action, including discontinuation of business relationship

The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


 Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with the highest standards of business ethnics and all applicable legal requirements. This include a non-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption he company commits to the continual improvement of our social ad ethics programs, to provide a conducive working environment that is characterized by compliance to the laws We are committed to:

  1. Act in the accordance to the highest standards of business conduct and ethics
  2. Comply with all laws and regulations in every conduct of business
  3. Promote an ethnical working environment
  4. Allow the workers report any concerns they may have regarding unethical business conduct without any fear of reprisal
  5. Should violation of these principles become known to Respack Medicare and are not remediated, we will take serious action, including discontinuation of business relationship
  6. Continual improvement by management to resolve any issues raised by the workers

The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


 Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with company Forced Labour policy and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to the continual improvement of our social programs, to preserve the high standards of how we conduct business and comply to Management Systems

We are committed to:

  1. Non-tolerance approach to the use of forced labour, bonded labour or any form of modern slavery
  2. Eliminate any form of forced or bonded labour and modern slavery in our operations and within our supply chain
  3. Allow the workers report any concerns they may have regarding forced labour without any fear of reprisal
  4. Should violation of these principles become known to Respack Medicare and are not remediated, we will take serious action, including discontinuation of business relationship
  5. Continual improvement by management to resolve any issues raised by the workers

The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with company safety and health policy and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to the continual improvement of our safety and welfare programs, to preserve the well-being of workers or anyone who may be affected by our operations and comply to Occupational Safety and Health Management System

We are committed to:

  1. Provide a safe and conducive working environment to our workers
  2. The prevention of accidents and injuries to our workers in every aspect of operation
  3. Provision of training, information, instruction and supervision to workers to ensure their safety
  4. Ensure continual improvements of our safety performance through effective Occupational Safety Management System
  5. Communicating our safety and health commitment to our employees, suppliers and customers
  6. Establishing safety and health objectives and targets and regularly review the performance


The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements


Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with company sexual harassment policy and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to the continual improvement of our social programs, to preserve mutual respect among workers or anyone who may be in our facility and comply to Management Systems

We are committed to:

  1. Non – tolerance approach to sexual harassment in our workplace in any sharp or form
  2. Promote conducive environment based on mutual respect and healthy collaboration
  3. Encourage the reporting of any sexual harassment without the fear of reprisal
  4. Continual improvement by management to resolve any issues raised by the workers


The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


Respack Medicare is committed to operate in accordance with company whistle blower policy and all applicable legal requirements. The company commits to conduct its business with honesty and integrity at all times. If, at any time, this commitment is not respected, the company shall identify and remedy such situations. Therefore, it is the company’s policy to ensure that when a person has reasonable grounds to believe an employee has committed or is about to commit, an offense that could harm the company’s business or reputation, it denounces the wrongdoers in question This whistle blower policy states management commitment to:

  1. Encourage employees to disclose information or any behaviour that could harm the company
  2. Protect complainants from reprisal
  3. Treat all parties to an investigation in a fair and equitable manner
  4. Ensure confidentiality
  5. Take corrective and disciplinary action if wrongdoing is discovered


The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022


Respack Medicare is committed to develop a rich culture, diverse work environment in which every employee is treated fairly, is respected and has equal opportunity to contribute to the success of the company, while having the opportunity to achieve their full potential as individuals. The company commits to the continual improvement of our social programs, to preserve mutual respect among workers or anyone who may be in our facility and comply to Management Systems

We are committed to:

  1. Create an environment in which the individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued
  2. Create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee
  3. Attract and retain a skilled and diverse workforce that best represent the talents available
  4. Continual improvement by management to resolve any issues raised by the workers


The management is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and compliance to all legal requirements

Managing Director
Respack Medicare Sdn Bhd
Date: 3 January 2022