Cast Polyethylene Disposable Gloves

glove, sarung tangan

Cast Polyethylene Disposable (CPE) Gloves offers basic protection for hygiene purpose at a very affordable price. It is non-skin irritant and non-toxic as well as free from Type I Latex Allergy & Type IV Allergic. 

Cast Polyethylene Disposable are the gloves of choice for cost effective basic barrier protection for all industries including healthcare, nursing, food serving and general care purposes. 

General Laboratory

Healthcare and Nursing

Food Handling

Hotel and Catering

Cleaning and Housekeeping

General Use

Allergy Free

Powder Free

Waterproof and Durable

Diamond Fine Embossed Texture

glove, sarung tangan


             Gloves Sizes :

    •  Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large

            Product Specifications :

    • Type: Cast Polythene Glove, Non-sterile
    • Material: Polythene Resin 
    • Colour: Clear
    • Design & Features Storage: The gloves shall maintain their properties when stored in a dry condition. Avoid direct sunlight
    • Shelf-life: 3 years from the date of manufacturing

  • Not suitable for handling chemicals
  • Not suitable for handling high temperature objects
  • Be extra careful when handling sharp and objects

Quality Standard: Manufactured under ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 Quality Management System